
Garlic – An Artistic View


The Tiny Tabasco

Taking “Single Serving” Too Seriously.

Roadside Minder

Haven’t Decided If This Is A Rule Or Suggestion.

Where Evil May Still Be Lurking

Couldn’t Get Around To A Haunted House Or Graveyard Today So This Will Have To Do.
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St. Lawrence Market

Rising at dawn on a Saturday morning could mean only one thing: a trip to St. Lawrence Market. Few other reasons could stir me so early but the opportunity to shop for fresh food at this Toronto landmark. The farmer’s market feel to the place certainly beats the generic corporate warehouse-style place otherwise frequented.

Getting there early means less of a crowd getting there and moving about the vast selection of vendors. Missing breakfast to get there early meant I had an excuse to indulge in some of the delicious food there ready to be eaten. In past years I would have shown no restraint but lately the adoption of a calorie-reduced lifestyle has me being more selective. In the end I settled down for a quick “breakfast” of smoked salmon washed down with a double espresso.

The colours and selection can’t be beat and there were hours to take it all in. I’ve provided a few photos as a sample of all there is to offer.

It’s worth noting that amongst the flower vendors the sunflower seems to be incredibly popular and those buying seemed to agree.

Large tables both in the middle of the venue and lining the walls provided an abundance of produce.
Enough bunches of carrots and other vegetables to feed an army.
Fans of the Radish were not forgotten.
Flowers of virtually any kind are always nearby.
The meat counter; one of several where available is anything from bargain cuts to luxurious extremes. I settled for somewhere in the middle.
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The Walk Home

After completing the evening’s task there’s a time that allows for thought and introspection; the walk home,

While the journey is relatively short it is a valued quiet time where anyone can feel a little more at peace and focus on whatever they choose. Occasionally stopping for a quick photograph is always within reason provided the subject sparks the imagination.

We all could likely make good use of a little more exercise as well so there’s the chance to do so by leaving the car at home in the first place.

So it’s safe to say that, along with everything else, I was able to have some time to myself for a little physical and mental well-being.

Photo taken this evening and stylized.

2nd Dose!

With yesterday’s administration of a 2nd vaccine shot it’s safe to say we’re doing our part in the recovery. Still living in a state of heightened quarantine due to ongoing caregiver duties but it’s all worth it.

Good to see some restrictions being cautiously lifted provided everyone conducts themselves in a responsible manner. Only time will tell.

Until news arrives to do otherwise the masks stay in place and basic distancing guidelines are the rule of the day. Such a minor inconvenience considering all the good it will do for so many in the long run.

The Buddy System In Common Practice. Vaccine Style.
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Forecast: Sunshine!!

Seems the near impossible is finally coming true with a full week of sunshine now upon us. With so much to do and only a limited number of hours a day this may require some scheduling gymnastics. Where there is a will..,

Spring Bloom
Tree in Full Bloom
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Vaccine Time Approaches…

Just passing time as the last hours count down to the first vaccination shot. For some reason I was a little apprehensive last night; like a child who has to go for their very first shot at the doctor’s office. Now I’m more bored than anything else as there’s very little to do now and best not schedule anything major afterwards.

Imagining my vaccination will be administered by this character!
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Sunday Afternoon

In an effort to enhance my “reputation” as a well-rounded and worldly artist I’ve decided to dedicating this afternoon to touring Edward’s Gardens – a local site well known for the variety of expertly maintained horticulture.

We know inspiration can be found in a variety of places and I definitely have to look away from the canvas at times so now is as good a time as any.

Always armed with my trusted iPhone camera the plants, sunshine & fresh air will not go to waste. Local guidelines allow for just such an excursion provided a couple of simple rules are observed; a small price to pay given the potential rewards,

In closing, try to make the most of your day and I’ll try not to overload you with a tsunami of flower photos at a later date. Deal?

Just a flower photo from years ago for now.